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Dear Government official/ Legislative Councilor, |
This is the time to invest billions into Hong Kong, and we need your support in making this happen. Our economy is experiencing a second growth spurt with the influx of capital, talent and business opportunities. This growth spurt has already started in 2010, pulling demand from all sectors of the Hong Kong economy from retail to hospitality to healthcare to education. Hong Kong is now in urgent need of labour, land and infrastructure for our services to grow. The latest HKGolden50 report Hong Kong - The Golden 5 Years and the Decline that may follow... |
( http://www.hkgolden50.org/research.html ) clearly indicates that a fortuitous combination of social and economic factors ushering in a period of high economic growth with better public policies to match. |
The leap in growth in Hong Kong can be attributed to three main factors: 1) World economic activity moving eastward- the most educated overseas Chinese are returning to Hong Kong- More businesses are setting up offices in Hong Kong to facilitate their expansion in the rapidly growing Asian market 2) Trend towards 'one country one market'- as more and more mainland Chinese spend, invest and work in Hong Kong, they bring more and more jobs into the city 3) Baby-boomers in power- representing the largest age-group population, the baby-boomers aged 45 to 54 form the largest voter group and can swing policy. These baby-boomers have accumulated wealth, knowledge and life experience, and form a fair jury to chart Hong Kong's next 50 years. They are demanding more healthcare services and retirement facilities as they age. |
This is not just a financial story. This is a story of the growth of excellence. New York, as the largest financial center in the world, is also the hub for the best writers, best steakhouses and best musicals on Broadway, among many other things. Hong Kong can and will also blossom holistically, because with money comes demand across all service sectors. Hong Kong people from all walks of life will benefit, whether you work on Fa Yuen Street or Pedder Street. |
A new era is starting- the world is waiting for an Asian city to step up to the global platform and rise above the others. Singapore, Shenzhen and Shanghai are now fighting very hard for that coveted spot by investing heavily in service capacities and attracting talents with better standards of living, such as quality healthcare, education and cultural development. Should we sit and watch as Singapore eat away at our pie or do we ramp up our investments and grow our pie? What we choose to do in the immediate 5 years will define the next 50. |
It is time to make up for the years of underinvestment and lay down a far better social and business infrastructure for the creation of 50 years of harmony and prosperity for the people of Hong Kong, young and old. With a fiscal surplus of HK$ 75 billion last year (plus HK$580 billion in reserve) and even higher surplus predicted this year and the next two, we have the money to propel Hong Kong to a better future. All we need is the can-do spirit of our people and the government's facilitation to grow our pie. We need to invest in Hong Kong's infrastructure wisely and build more hospitals, schools and offices. These policies should be accompanied by measures to nurture local talent, increase technological productivity, and attract doctors, artists, and engineers globally. |
If we grow our pie, Hong Kong can surpass London and catch up with New York. With your support, Hong Kong will become a truly global metropolitan. Please read the HKGolden50 report and take action now. |
Yours Truly, Hong Kong Stakeholder |
尊貴的官員/議員: |
目下正是時候為一代投資香港未來,您的支持不可或缺。由二O一O年開始,世界各地的機遇、資金和人才正源源不絕湧入香港,讓我們的經濟得享全球獨有的第二次高增長期,帶動對本港各服務業如零售、旅遊、醫療以至教育的需求。目前香港對勞動力、土地以至基建的需求空前龐大而急切,好讓我們的服務業得以持續發展。 |
香港黃金五十於九月發表首份研究報告《香港──黃金五年(2010-2014)盛衰關鍵》( http://www.hkgolden50.org/research.html ) ,指出香港將面對百年難得一見的機遇,為香港帶來八十年代後的另一段高增長期,推動香港公共政策改弦更張。 |
使香港得以再次飛躍的三個因素為﹕ 一、世界經濟重心西向東移,使世界各地的人才流向香港 二、隨著中國大陸南下的壁壘徐徐倒下,中港逐漸步向「一國一市場」 三、佔香港人口最大部份的嬰兒潮(45至54歲)即將退休,當中不少人累積了相當財富,勢將帶動醫療護老等退休服務的需求。 |
這不只是一個金融業的故事,而是一個優勝劣敗的故事。紐約作為世界最大的國際金融中心,同時也擁有最好的作家、牛排館和百老匯音樂劇。只要我們願意,隨著世界各地的資金和機遇湧入,香港的各行各業都可以蓬勃發展,社會各個階層也有裨益。 |
一個全新世代已經開始,爭奪下一個國際金融中心地位的戰幔已在亞洲打開,世界正翹首以待一個亞洲城市冒起。新加坡、上海和深圳都密鑼緊鼓,力爭成為下一個領導群雄的城市。這五年間我們所作的選擇,將為接下來五十年定下基調。假如我們束手度過黃金五年,機會將在我們眼前流逝,拱手讓人。 |
去年政府財政盈餘高逹(港幣)750億(財政儲備高逹5800億),預計本年度更高逹一千億。只要我們重拾過去自強不息的奮發打拚精神,坐言起行,善用盈餘投資香港的硬件,增加醫院、學校、寫字樓等;同時改善軟件,培訓本地人才,提升生產技術,吸引世界最好的醫生、藝術家、工程師等都在香港落戶,「把餅做大」,香港將可超越倫敦,追趕紐約。有您的支持,香港成為真正的國際大都會亦指日可待。 |
一個熱愛香港的人 謹啓 |
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